


School of Music


Doctor of Music Education (DME)


Thomas P. Goddard


Georgia All-State Band, Instrumental Pedagogy, Audition Preparation, Honor Band Auditions




The thesis aims to survey, observe, and interview selected Georgia middle school band directors to determine if there are commonalities in instructional strategies for student audition preparation for acceptance into the Georgia All-State Middle School Band. The survey provided directors with ten specific questions about their daily classroom rehearsal practices and strategies that could aid the students in auditioning and successfully being selected for the Georgia All-State Middle School Band. In-class observations of the director’s rehearsal practices and techniques were taken and examined for commonalities among participating directors. By interviewing each participant, the answers provided from the surveys were discussed in broader detail. The instructional strategies and behaviors were reviewed with the participant for comment. The directors chosen for this study represented three middle school band programs from northern Georgia and three from southern Georgia. The minimum criteria for participating were having one or more students accepted to the Georgia All-State Middle School Band. Additional criteria included three programs that were considered rural and three programs that were deemed suburban/urban. The study’s results suggested several commonalities in the instructional strategies of band directors, with students earning seats in the Georgia All-State Band.

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