


School of Music


Doctor of Worship Studies (DWS)


Jerry Newman


music, worship, women


Counseling | Music


Despite the existing literature and changes in church governments that promote women in leadership roles of church worship, there remains a gap that specifies the biblical feminine qualities of women in worship leadership. These specifics should clarify the manifested characteristics of those women in leadership who exhibit the biblical distinctness of their gender from that of the male gender. Historical study shows in past generations that many denominations have banned women from such leading roles because of the interpretation of Scripture pertaining to the man being the head over the woman. This stance has been changing in the 21st century with the significant and influential pressure for reform of the Women’s Liberation Movement. The writing of books, theses, and dissertations by Christians on the subject have also greatly influenced significant changes in viewpoints within the body of Christ. This study of clarification for biblical characteristics of a female in the leadership of church worship is because the unbiblical characteristics of modern society promoted for females in leadership are permeating many churches of all denominations and/or non-denominational churches in an alarming manner. This qualitative study examines the issue of discerning God’s desire of characteristics and their manifestations for women in worship leadership, primarily through the lens of the Bible. Along with the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, it also considers relevant literature from Christian exposition, secular sociology, psychology, and archived visuals. This paper will expose the biblical uniqueness and celebration of the female role and her gifts to be used for God’s glory.
