Presenter Information

Glenn BassFollow

Level of Education



deliberative constitutionalism, culture, crisis, federalism, COVID-19, republican, democrat, federal, principles, public health


The purpose of this paper is to delve further into the topic of Culture & Crisis: Reconciling Constitutionalism & Federalism in a Time of Crisis through Liberty University’s Helms School of Government & Journal of Statesmanship & Public Policy. The United States of America is currently under siege by the COVID-19 virus. This virus has steadily killed hundreds of individuals and consequently nearly shutdown the American socio-economic system. Through a constitutional government and federal principles, the executive functions have been able to address this time of crisis. However, there are different views referencing exactly how to address the needs of our nation during this time of crisis. This threat to public health is perceived differently by the Republican and Democratic parties. Democrats have been viewed as trying to present the severity of the situation, in terms of health, finances, and safety. The Republicans are viewed as presenting information that does not demonstrate such a severity of the situation; however, they do understand the perceived threats which have invoked several governmental functions (e.g., relief funds, unemployment insurance). These views can be skewed, as Republicans and Democrats, as they live in different counties which have been impacted differently by the COVID-19 virus. Tensions have been on the rise due to this phenomenon which can be handled efficiently through the execution of deliberative constitutionalism. These issues and more will be discussed further.



Perspectives on COVID

The purpose of this paper is to delve further into the topic of Culture & Crisis: Reconciling Constitutionalism & Federalism in a Time of Crisis through Liberty University’s Helms School of Government & Journal of Statesmanship & Public Policy. The United States of America is currently under siege by the COVID-19 virus. This virus has steadily killed hundreds of individuals and consequently nearly shutdown the American socio-economic system. Through a constitutional government and federal principles, the executive functions have been able to address this time of crisis. However, there are different views referencing exactly how to address the needs of our nation during this time of crisis. This threat to public health is perceived differently by the Republican and Democratic parties. Democrats have been viewed as trying to present the severity of the situation, in terms of health, finances, and safety. The Republicans are viewed as presenting information that does not demonstrate such a severity of the situation; however, they do understand the perceived threats which have invoked several governmental functions (e.g., relief funds, unemployment insurance). These views can be skewed, as Republicans and Democrats, as they live in different counties which have been impacted differently by the COVID-19 virus. Tensions have been on the rise due to this phenomenon which can be handled efficiently through the execution of deliberative constitutionalism. These issues and more will be discussed further.