Publication Date

Spring 5-1-2018


School of Health Sciences


Biology: Biomedical Sciences


Antibiotic Resistance, MRSA, Underserved, Rural Healthcare, Antibiotics, Broad-spectrum, Narrow-spectrum, Syria, Sweden, Refugees, Methicillin, Immunity


Bacteria | Bacterial Infections and Mycoses | Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Health and Medical Administration | Infectious Disease | International Public Health | Other Chemicals and Drugs | Primary Care | Public Health Education and Promotion | Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases


In 1928, the profound effects of penicillin were discovered and antibiotic treatments became extremely popular. Broad-spectrum antibiotics, like tetracyclines, have been since branded as cure-all prescriptions and used profusely in the Western World and abroad. Due to ignorance of specific biochemical mechanisms and the misuse of antibiotics these drugs inadvertently allowed the rise in prevalence of antibiotic resistant strains of certain bacteria as the century progressed. Now, the specific genetic causes and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance are being understood, but the fight against antimicrobial resistance is far from over. In the United States, thousands of fatalities are caused annually by infections of this variety. In impoverished nations, the reality is dimmer and antibiotic resistance demands research and funding so that lives can be saved.
