Publication Date

Spring 4-22-2014


School of Health Sciences


Nursing (B.S.N.)


pregnancy, obesity, complications


Maternal, Child Health and Neonatal Nursing


Obesity is a serious issue and is becoming a significant problem around the world. Obesity in general causes and complicates many health problems. As obesity increases in the population at large, the incidence of obesity in pregnancy continues to increase. Obesity during pregnancy has been linked in numerous studies to multiple complications, and the issues and risks have been clearly established. Also becoming pregnant or having multiple pregnancies increases the likelihood of developing obesity. Obese women of childbearing age many times do not even know these risks exist. There is a need to educate these women before they become pregnant, and there is a need to educate all women because they may be faced with these problems in the future. This study researched women’s understanding of the effects of obesity on pregnancy. The eight participants were college students chosen from a female dorm on a Christian university campus. A pretest, educational intervention, and posttest study design was implemented. The posttest scores were found to be significantly higher than the pretest scores indicating that learning took place during the intervention. This finding demonstrates the need for more education for women in general regarding these risks.
