Publication Date

Spring 2003


Eating disorders have become extremely common in today's society. The individuals most commonly affected by eating disorders have been women. This is often the result of societal demands, and can be greatly influenced by the relationships a woman has with her parents. The purpose of this study was to focus specifically on the father-daughter relationship of college women diagnosed with an eating disorder compared to those without a diagnosed eating disorder. Additionally, the romantic attachment styles of both sets of young women were explored. College women from a private university in the southeast were administered a demographic survey, the Adult Parental Acceptance Rejection/ Control Questionnaire, and the Intimate Partner Acceptance-Rejection! Control Questionnaire. It was hypothesized that there would be a significant relationship between having an eating disorder and the quality of both the father-daughter relationship and adult romantic attachment style, as compared to those surveyed without an eating disorder. Finally, there will be a significant effect of being diagnosed with an eating disorder on the scores of the APARQIC and IPARlCQ.
