1st Place | Angielisa Sirard, Jack Gregory, Richard Tuttle
The Quest for the Ideal Fluorescent Cell Stain
2nd Place | Benjamin Erickson
A Statistical Comparison of Hebrews to Accepted Pauline and Lukan Corpora
3rd Place | Mary Jicha
A Growth Mindset: Fostering Resilience and Success in the Middle School Mathematics Classroom
1st Place | Sally Hess
Novel Plant Peroxidase Investigation for Use in Various Biochemical and Practical Applications
2nd Place | Erin Hanley, Ethan Goodman, Joshua Rose, Matthew Vuncannon, Noah Kurtz
Assessing Local Microhabitat Characteristics of Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa) at Briery Creek WMA to Develop a Predictor Model of Species Abundance in the Camp Hydaway Lake Expansion
3rd Place | Julia Spiotta, Kezia Reji Thomas
Novel Carbamate Exchange Reaction for the Synthesis of Peripherally Selective Endocannabinoid Enzyme Inhibitors
Textual or Investigative
1st Place | Maximus Marlowe
The Colonial American Historical Significance of St. David's Church
2nd Place | Reagan Nelson
Sofia Palaiologina: Matriarch of the Russian State
3rd Place | Ashtyn Spring
Child Abuse from a Nursing Perspective: Assessment and Implications
Theoretical Proposal
1st Place | Katherine Geer
It's Complicated, the Relationship Between Pornography and Mental Health
2nd Place | Ashtyn Spring, Emily Vernon, Mandi Foldesi, Mariah Mizell
Effects of Nicotine on Fetal Development: Enhancing Education in Nursing Practice
3rd Place | Austin Love
Process Improvement in Appropriate Placement of Patients in Acute Care settings; an Integrated Literature Review