Faculty Publications and Presentations
Publication Date
Document Type
Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership | Teacher Education and Professional Development
Able school administrators understand that teachers are their most valuable asset. If Christian schools are to effectively serve the families who entrust their children to their care, teachers must demonstrate both professional competency and godly character. This study was an investigation of faculty perceptions of teacher professionalism at ten Christian schools in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. An online survey of 24 items was completed by 230 teachers (males=30; females=200). The survey instrument was a modified version of Tichenor and Tichenor’s (2009) four dimensions of teacher professionalism. Data were analyzed using a multivariate analysis-of-variance (MANOVA) with gender as the independent variable. Results demonstrated statistically significant variance in totals on 18 of 24 individual items, three of the four dimensions, and on the total score.
Recommended Citation
Swezey, James A. and Finn, Donald E., "Faculty Perceptions of Teacher Professionalism in Christian Schools" (2014). Faculty Publications and Presentations. Paper 225. http://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/educ_fac_pubs/225. Reprinted from ICCTE Journal 8(1): http://icctejournal.org/issues/v8i1/v8i1-swezey-finn/.
Included in
Educational Administration and Supervision Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons
This article was originally published by ICCTE Journal, 8(1): http://icctejournal.org/issues/v8i1/v8i1-swezey-finn/. Reprinted here with permission.