


School of Education


Doctor of Education (EdD)


Kathie Morgan

Primary Subject Area

Education, General; Education, Reading; Education, Sociology of; Education, Secondary; Education, Curriculum and Instruction


affective, at-risk, cognitive, READ 180, reading intervention, secondary level


Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Methods | Liberal Studies


The purpose of this qualitative case study was to investigate the impact of the READ 180 reading intervention program upon the affective and cognitive reading skills of 21 struggling ninth grade at-risk students at a Title I high school in Southern California. There was minimal qualitative analysis of the READ 180 program at the secondary level and nominal research in general on affective learning regarding motivation to read for at-risk high school students. This study was designed to explore what changes, if any, may occur in the reading attitudes (affective skills) and comprehension levels (cognitive skills) of participants in the READ 180 program. Data was collected from interviews, observations, and student documents over a 16 week period and then analyzed for themes and connections to the research questions. The findings for this study indicated that READ 180 was a beneficial intervention in limited areas for many at-risk high school students, but it did not meet the myriad of affective and cognitive needs required for grade level literacy development. READ 180 best served secondary level students when it was modified based on individual student needs and interests.
