

The book of Revelation is saturated with what many consider a dense cryptic code of apocalyptic symbolism that cannot be understood by the average reader. This mindset has unfortunately kept many from reading the book, while others that attempt to understand its contents believe they must lean heavily upon commentaries and resources that often conflict one another. The problem that is exposed by Revelation’s depth and conflicting interpretations is that many have attempted to interpret its symbolism through the lens of their own socio-political circumstances rather than understanding the text in light of its previous meaning throughout scripture. When we examine the text of Revelation 9:1-11 through the lens of scripture and allow the Bible to interpret the rich symbolism that surrounds the locusts from the abyss, we find that the locusts are not physical mutant creatures sent to attack the ungodly like most scholars assume, but are actually the false teachers and their apostate followers that devour the church from within. Through their false teachings and doctrines, the locusts devour the land and prevent the truth from growing and bearing fruit.
