


School of Music


Master of Arts in Music and Worship (MA)


Keith Currie


Song-writing, Ministry, Philosophy, Worship, Songwriter, Principles


Liturgy and Worship | Music


With the approval of Dr. Keith Currie and Dr. David Schmal, I have chosen to complete the Music & Worship Ministry Project as the Final Thesis for the Masters of Art in Music and Worship. The objective of the project is to produce an Extended Play Record (EP) that contains five original worship songs written specifically for this EP. The components of this project include: songwriting, arranging, performing, recording, and producing. This project will achieve two purposes: first, the songs in this EP are meant to be sung in my local church – Koinonia Evangelical Church (KEC); second, this project is the medium through which I complete my research on building a songwriting ministry in KEC. It answers the question: what are some foundational philosophies to starting a local church songwriting ministry? By working through the different stages of producing this record, I was able to identify seven guiding principles on which KEC will build its songwriting ministry. 1. Words Over Music 2. Songs for the Congregation, Not the Performer 3. Feedback is Our Friend 4. Pursue Excellence, Not Perfection 5. A One-Man Band Can Never Grow Bigger Than One Man 6. Inner Worship to Outer Worship 7. Singing is Not the Goal, Discipleship is the Goal
