


School of Music


Master of Arts in Music Education (MA)


Joshua Adam Carver


asynchronous, online, piano lessons, education, virtual learning


Education | Music


The purpose of this applied curriculum is to provide piano instruction through an online and asynchronous method. Online and asynchronous methods of learning have been increasing in higher education and, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, have been used in the primary and secondary levels. This trend shows no signs of stopping. Much research has been done in online methods of learning in higher education; however, not nearly as much has been done with lower age groups. More research and experimentation is needed in the application of these methods at the primary and secondary levels. Considering this, the course conceived of in this curriculum project is meant to be conducted entirely online through video lessons, video assessments, email, a discussion forum, and other tools of an online learning management system. None of the instruction will be synchronous. Participants will take a pre-test to confirm whether they are beginner students. These students will then learn musical concepts and be introduced to songs through videos in two-week modules for a total of twenty-four weeks. In each module, they will practice pieces and express their understanding of the musical concepts through worksheets, quizzes, performances, and original compositions. As they progress through the course, participants will have access to teacher and student feedback. Data on the effectiveness of the curriculum will be collected via piano performance videos, worksheets, quizzes, and surveys during the course and at the conclusion of the course.
