


School of Communication and the Arts


Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design (MFA)


Chris Clark


benefits of mentoring, career mentoring, christian mentoring, community, discipleship, decline of mentorship, deloitte and touche, formal mentoring, harvard mentoring project, informal mentoring, intergenerational model of discipleship, junior professionals, millennials, mentor definition, mood board, onda, origin of mentorship, psycho-social mentoring, rejuvenating mentorship, senior professionals, sherpa, successful mentoring, the odyssey


Art and Design


Senior mentorship of junior professionals is in decline, risking the loss of generational guidance and support, limiting career opportunities, and hindering social and professional development for both parties.

The thesis discusses the definition of a mentor and types of mentor relationships, the benefits of participating in a mentor relationship, and the influence junior professionals have on these relationships. However, extensive research is lacking in determining the practical steps senior professionals can take to reverse the decline of mentorship and bring our society back to the mentoring mindset we once possessed.

The topics that have been examined are as follows:

  1. What is a mentor, and how do they mentor successfully?
  2. Why are mentorship and community important?
  3. What are the benefits of mentorship?
  4. Why is mentorship declining?
  5. How can the practice of mentorship be rejuvenated?

After completing this research, a literature review was conducted in addition to three case study analyses and three visual analyses.
