"A Fortuitous Hegemon: Cold War Presidential Foreign Policies" by Benjamin Bowles

Publication Date

Fall 11-29-2016


Helms School of Government


Government: Politics and Policy; Government: Pre-Law


Cold War, Presidential Foreign Policies, United States, Russia, China, Iran


American Politics | International Relations


Following the Cold War, the United States attained the pinnacle of global influence; however, new threats and challenges have arisen that possess the potential to unseat America from its position of global dominance. While the United States’ global power has remained unchallenged since the end of the Cold War, threats have formed that take the form of both maverick upstart nations, such as Iran and China, as well as foreign powers that are clamoring to retain the status of their former glory, such as Russia. In plotting the course with which the United States should address these new threats, an examination of the lessons learned from presidents during the Cold War would provide invaluable lessons that might prove useful in addressing the contemporary threats America faces today.
