Publication Date



School of Education


Education: Elementary/Middle


Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Curriculum and Instruction


In order to have systems of education that will work to promote peoples and societies in regions all across the globe, educators must consider multiple aspects of the culture of each location. Educators should then tailor an education system to meet the desires, strengthen the advantages, and eliminate the challenges in each particular location. Factors of each culture that educators should take into account include resources available, participation in education, major difficulties in social arenas of society, advantages or disadvantages of the physical environment, health conditions, human interactions within the culture, desire to change or maintain societal or cultural norms, and numerous others. Since communities differ greatly from one another in at least one of these arenas, systems of education in one region of the world should not be identical to systems in other regions of the world. Place-based systems of education should be integrated into regions around the world in order to account for the prominent issues and practices of each area.
