Publication Date

Spring 2016


School of Engineering and Computational Sciences


Engineering: Electrical Intelligence


Brain-computer Interface, Neuroprosthetic, Neural Prostheses, Clinical Application


Bioelectrical and Neuroengineering | Biological Engineering | Biomedical | Electrical and Electronics


Advances in neuroprosthetics in recent years have made an enormous impact on the quality of life for many people with disabilities, helping them regain the functionality of damaged or impaired abilities. One of the main hurdles to regaining full functionality regarding neuroprosthetics is the integration between the neural prosthetic device and the method in which the neural prosthetic device is controlled or manipulated to function correctly and efficiently. One of the most promising methods for integrating neural prosthetics to an efficient method of control is through Brian-computer Interfacing (BCI). With this method, the neuroprosthetic device is integrated into the human brain through the use of a specialized computer, which allows for users of neuroprosthetic devices to control the devices in the same way that they would control a normally working human function- with their mind. There are both invasive and non-invasive methods to implement Brain-computer Interfacing, both of which involve the process of acquiring a brain signal, processing the signal, and finally providing a usable device output. There are several examples of integration between Brain-computer Interfacing and neural prosthetics that are currently being researched. Many challenges must be overcome before a widespread clinical application of integration between Brain-computer Interfaces and neural prosthetics becomes a reality, but current research continues to provide promising advancement toward making this technology available as a means for people to regain lost functionality.
