Publication Date



College of Arts and Sciences


Nutrition Knowledge and Application


Human and Clinical Nutrition


The FDA has proposed a number of actions to address the problem of unhealthy eating behaviors. Among these recommendations is educating the consumer. Education, however, could only be effective if the people did indeed alter their dietary behavior. This thesis studied the effect that educating a consumer can make on the consumer’s diet. Twenty college students were selected randomly for the study. The subjects were ten females and ten males. The subjects were given a nutritional assessment to test their nutritional knowledge. The subjects were then placed in one of three groups depending on their test scores. The subjects were also asked to record their daily food intake for one day. The list of food was then entered into a nutritional analysis calculator on an approved website. Then, depending on the age and gender of the subject, the analysis gave the recommended daily intake for the subject. The analysis also gave the percentage of the recommended daily intake that the subject did consume on that particular day. Every subject’s daily food intake was entered into the data base, and the average for each nutrient for each group was taken. The results were then analyzed, and the relationship between the nutritionally knowledgeable subjects and their application was identified.
