Publication Date

Spring 5-23-2024


School of Engineering and Computational Sciences; School of Music


Engineering: Mechanical


Mechanical properties, vibrational mode, acoustics


Acoustics, Dynamics, and Controls | Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics | Computer-Aided Engineering and Design | Energy Systems | Engineering | Engineering Physics | Engineering Science and Materials | Harmonic Analysis and Representation | Materials Science and Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | Music


The acoustic guitar is a stringed instrument, often made of wood, that transduces vibrational energy of steel strings into coupled vibrations of the wood and acoustic pressure waves in the air. Variations in wood selection and instrument geometry have been shown to affect the timbre of the acoustic guitar. Computational methods were utilized to investigate the impact of material properties on acoustic performance. Sitka spruce was deemed the most suitable wood for guitar soundboards due to its acoustic characteristics, strength, and uniform aesthetic. Mahogany was deemed to be the best wood for the back and sides of the guitar body due to its greater sensitivity to pressure difference, strength, and impedance matching with Sitka spruce.
