"Theological Implications of the Divine Title Adonai Yahweh in Ezekiel" by Peter C. Hamilton

Publication Date


Degree Granted


Institution Granting Degree

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary


The purpose of this dissertation was to ascertain the theological implications of Ezekiel's frequent use of the divine title, sk50. He has the most occurrences of the divine epithet, sk25, in the Old Testament (222 out of 439), and the greatest number of sk50 forms (217 out of 301). This title is found almost exclusively in two prophetic formulas in Ezekiel's prophecy, the introductory messenger formula and the formula for a divine saying, which either introduce or highlight his prophetic oracles.

Chapter one contains an overview of the meaning of sk25 in the Old Testament, and a discussion of the rendering of the divine name in the Greek versions of Ezekiel. Based on the LXX translation of the book, which often reads a single $\kappa\acute\upsilon\rho\iota o\varsigma$ where MT has sk50, many have assumed that sk25 was a late addition to the text.

Chapter two investigates the occurrences of the divine title sk50 outside the book of Ezekiel. Of particular interest are the associations of sk25 with the ideology of Yahweh's kingship in the Old Testament, and the occurrences of sk50 in prophetic formulas in the prophecies of Isaiah, Amos, and Jeremiah.

Chapter three is an exegetical and thematic survey of the book of Ezekiel itself, which seeks to place the frequent occurrences of sk50 within the overall framework of the prophet's theology.

Chapter four summarizes the conclusions of the study, which include the following. The divine epithet, sk25, definitely belongs to the Old Testament ideology of Yahweh's kingship. The frequency and location of the divine title, sk50, in what can rightly be called the "royal edicts" of the divine Lord, Yahweh, further demonstrate that sk25 is a key element in Ezekiel's theology. Far from being a late addition to the text, it serves as an appropriate designation of Yahweh's sovereign rule over Israel and the nations, and complements the prophet's magnificent visions of the divine glory which had such a profound effect on his consciousness.
