Graduate Three Minute Thesis

1st Place | Hannah Murch
Mindfulness to Reduce Math Anxiety and Improve Math Performance

2nd Place | Abigail Coker
Sacred Samizdat: The Prevalence and Impact of Self-Publication Among Soviet Evangelicals

3rd Place | Hope Dornfeld
Songs of Sorrow, Hope and Praise: Toward a Historical Analysis of Negro Spirituals

People's Choice | Hope Dornfeld
Songs of Sorrow, Hope and Praise: Toward a Historical Analysis of Negro Spirituals

Mindfulness to Reduce Math Anxiety and Improve Math Performance

Mindfulness to Reduce Math Anxiety and Improve Math Performance

Sacred Samizdat: The Prevalence and Impact of Self-Publication Among Soviet Evangelicals

Sacred Samizdat: The Prevalence and Impact of Self-Publication Among Soviet Evangelicals

Songs of Sorrow, Hope and Praise: Toward a Historical Analysis of Negro Spirituals

Songs of Sorrow, Hope and Praise: Toward a Historical Analysis of Negro Spirituals