


School of Nursing


Doctor of Philosophy


Kara Schacke


Nursing student incivility, interventions to address nursing student incivility, administrative support to address nursing student incivility




The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore nursing faculty exposure to nursing student incivility at a nursing college in the Mid-Atlantic region. Bandura's social learning theory provided this study’s theoretical framework. The continuum of workplace aggression and conceptual model fostering incivility in nursing education also guided this study. This study answered the following central research question: How have nursing faculty been exposed to incivility by nursing students? Data were collected for this study through one-on-one interviews with nursing faculty exposed to nursing student incivility and a focus group with the same nursing faculty to discuss the current Code of Conduct used to address nursing student incivility. The data were analyzed and coded, and themes were generated using Braun and Clarke’s (2021) thematic analysis to uncover how nursing faculty was exposed to nursing student incivility, which revealed six themes. The six themes from the data analysis included examples of nursing student incivility, causes of nursing student incivility, faculty interventions to address nursing student incivility, institutional interventions in place to address nursing student incivility, code of conduct, and administrative support when addressing nursing student incivility. Findings from this study may provide nursing academic administration with a better understanding of how nursing faculty perceive student incivility, perceptions of administrative support, the importance of strengthening policies and procedures in addressing the behaviors, and how the behaviors are being addressed. It can also assist in strengthening policy and procedures.

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Nursing Commons
