Faculty Publications and Presentations
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A hawkwatch was conducted in September 1997-1999 in the Inner Piedmont of Virginia near Lynchburg, to assess the magnitude and species composition of the flight relative to the Blue Ridge. The flight density in the Piedmont averaged one-third to one-half that of two nearby Blue Ridge lookouts, but among years ranged from onefifth to two-thirds that of those two ridge lookouts. The species composition of the Inner Piedmont flight was similar to that on the Blue Ridge, with Broad-winged Hawks (Buteo platypterus) making up over 95% of the September flight. A close-site study in 1998 suggested that the Broad-winged Hawk flight is greater over Lynchburg than to the immediate southeast. Hawk migration studies in this area certainly warrant further attention.
Recommended Citation
Sattler, Gene D.; Perdue, Jamie; Rich, Daryl; and Zagorski, Matthew, "Preliminary Survey of Autumn Hawk Migration in the Inner Piedmont of Virginia" (2001). Faculty Publications and Presentations. 39.
Published in Hawkwatching in the Americas, eds. K. Bildstein and D. Klem, Jr., Hawk Migration Association of North America, 2001. For more information on HMANA, visit them at http://www.hmana.org/ .