Faculty Publications and Presentations
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Biology | Chemistry
This plan outlines strategies and methods used in an ongoing study initiated in 1999 to restore a selfsustaining population of the Plains gartersnake (Thamnophis radix) in Ohio. Restoring a self-sustaining population would require increases in the current population to where the ratios of T. radix to T. sirtalis are approximately 1:1 in multiple locations in Killdeer Plains Wildlife Area (KPWA). This ratio would be similar to what was seen earlier by Reichenbach and Dalrymple (1986) at one site in KPWA.
The plan was developed by a team of enthusiastic conservationists representing, the Division of Wildlife (ODW), the Columbus and Cleveland Zoos, Westerville North High School Field Study Class, Liberty University, Northern Illinois University, and the University of Tennessee. A thorough review of the plan will be made in 2012 with revisions and updates as needed.
Recommended Citation
Reichenbach, Norman; Barrie, M.; Becka, K.; Burghardt, G.; Butterworth, S.; Caldwell, C.; Dierkes, F.; Johantgen, P.; Stanford, K.; and Wynn, D., "Ohio Conservation Plan: Plains gartersnake, Thamnophis radix" (2010). Faculty Publications and Presentations. 104.
Report published for the Ohio Division of Wildlife, Columbus, Ohio, 27p.